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The Sweet Medicine Sundance Path

Thousands of years ago, shamans, medicine men and women from North, Central & South America travelled beyond their tribal boundaries to share their knowledge and expand their wisdom of the mysteries of existence on this Grandmother Planet.
As a result, they discovered common principles and gained vast knowledge regarding the energy laws that govern Creation and human potential.

They came to be known as the Twisted Hairs Metis Medicine Society who formalised their knowledge within teaching wheels, ceremonial alchemy and practices. Metis means ‘mixed blood’. Since then, the Twisted Hair Elders have protected and passed on the body of knowledge, called the Sweet Medicine SunDance Path (SMSD), to each new generation of apprentices.

In 1975, the Council of Elders determined to open the SMSD Path to the greater human collective with the intent to re-awaken the people’s heart connection to Grandmother Earth and to assist in balancing the masculine and feminine energies within our
human collective.

Harley SwiftDeer Reagan, a Twisted Hair Elder, was one of those designated to offer the SMSD Path's teachings to the people, and in 1986, he founded The Deer Tribe Metis Medicine Society (DTMMS) in Arizona, USA – as a non-profit organisation.
Guided by the Twisted Hairs Council of Elders, the Deer Tribe provides training, support and guidance for SMSD apprentices to carry forward the alchemy, teaching wheels and practices of this ancient wisdom school into modern times, for all those who desire to heal and consciously evolve.

A lodge leader is an apprentice who has been rigorously trained and tested to uphold the SMSD Standards of Excellence; 
a prerequisite to teaching, guiding and facilitating ceremonies with integrity and in safety. They assist us to achieve heightened awareness that promotes a shift in our perception, a quality of presence where we can identify issues and release blocks/patterns of conditioning that have created feelings of separation or disconnection. This brings us healing, access to our personal power and the freedom to create that which we desire for ourselves, our life and our relationships. ​


​Nicola and Anders apprenticed to the SMSD Path over 25 years ago. Both are committed spiritual warriors in service for the growth and development of each student and apprentice of the RLW Lodge programs and events. They lead, teach and guide from a strong heart space, with deep awareness and personal experience of the honesty, vulnerability and courage required to go through the gateway process. Creating a supportive and non-judgmental matrix, they embrace the group, whilst also genuinely engaging with each individual, so that all may gain clear insight, actualise healing and achieve real, lasting spiritual transformation. 

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Our Lodge leaders


The Seven Principles

Our culture and practices are inspired and guided by Seven Principles that are the guiding core values that we collectively and individually stand for, and are at the heart of our approach as an organisation.
These values also provide the basis for our rules of conduct and principles of action.
They are part of our organisational DNA, shaping our culture, and producing a mindset that encompasses integrity and ethical behaviour.



This is the unwavering internal desire to do what is right no matter what. Combined with authenticity, it is the willingness to go deep within and to sit with what is real and true. Integrity with authenticity is the power of self-ownership, our
willingness to own ourselves where and how we are, with responsibility and self-authority.



Begins with respecting ourselves for who we are and what we are capable of, combined with self-forgiveness. Respect, honour, and benevolence guide us to be compassionate
and accept others with appreciation for who they are in their uniqueness. We are all human beings in the act of becoming.



Openness, transparency, and loyalty. True connection and reflection begin with the willingness to see the truth of what is. Honesty is daring to look at oneself in the mirror, and say, “This is me.” We strive to be open to new experiences, and to integrate other points of view.



Is having all parts in right relationship, working in harmony to create something greater than the sum of the parts. Inner balance unlocks our natural authentic expression. We call this our Beauty. As spiritual warriors, we are committed to balance and engage the battle with our inner darkness, so that our light may prevail. 



Is experienced when we see that we can make decisions that impact and make a difference in our life. It is not what happens to me, but rather what I do with what happens to me, that shapes my life. Self-empowerment occurs when we make the conscious decision to take charge of our own destiny.



True knowledge is gained from life experience and the most valuable knowledge is self-knowledge. When we apply our knowledge in a co-empowering way that benefits
all life, we discover wisdom. We value knowledge that makes a positive difference, that heals, inspires, empowers, opens heart-felt acceptance, increases presence, and
leads to greater truths.



Our authentic genuine Self resides inside us. It is unique, profound, and priceless. Now is the time to stop trying to fit in, belong, and conform. Something unique cannot be
compared to another or told it doesn’t measure up. It is unique. Risk and dare to be your inner True Nature, even if some see it as quirky. It is something that has never been
seen before.

© 2025 Rainbow Light Warriors Lodge
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