Rites of passages have been practiced globally throughout history, serving to ceremonially mark and celebrate significant life stages and transitions. These rites begin before birth for prospective parents and continue for the child from birth, through adulthood, and into death.

They acknowledge and empower an individual’s right to grow and change, foster intentional relationships, to reach their unique potential and become mature members of the community. They assist us to navigate life effectively, meet basic needs, and move through adulthood with greater inner strength and a connection to Spirit.

The ceremonial processes involve acknowledging what was, stepping into the unknown of transition, and arriving at a new stage of development that supports the next phase of life.

Next RoP event:

You are invited to participate in a SMSD Rite of Passage ceremony that is specifically designed for those who are between the ages of 33 – 45 years old ✨

🦋 The Natural Self’s Evolution

The intent of this ceremony is to balance the masculine and feminine energies inside the Self so that we may step into greater balance, wholeness and maturity!

🦋 What is a Rite of Passage?

Rites of Passage ceremonies have been practiced globally throughout human history. Generally these ceremonies serve to mark, initiate and celebrate significant stages of life, events and transitions.

The SMSD Rites of Passage encompass the journey of a human from before the conception and birth of a child, and continue from birth, through adulthood, and into death. The ceremonial process involves acknowledging what was, stepping into the Unknown of transition, and arriving at a new stage of development that supports the next phase of Life. The Rites of Passage ceremonies acknowledge and empower an individual’s right to grow, change, and reach their unique potential. They support the development of the Natural Self and foster intentional relationships, assisting us to navigate life effectively, meet our basic needs, and move through our lives with greater inner strength with connection to and guidance from Spirit.

🦋 The Natural Self’s Evolution Rite of Passage

This Mesa Working ceremony brings us to an internal balance of the masculine and feminine energies by exploring, deepening and healing the relationship to our opposite gender. Each person will be shown mirrors of their naturalness and discover the Lover, Warrior/Warrioress, Magician, Queen/King, Hero/Heroine archetypes within them. To create beneficial change and transformation in how you relate and connect to yourself, your relationships and the World, this ceremony also gives you the opportunity to release any resentments, limiting beliefs that do not serve or empower you and your relationships, or old stories that you may carry about yourself as a woman/man, as well as towards the opposite gender.

For this ceremony we are aiming, as far as possible, for a group with an equal number of men and women so that there is an easy balance in the mirrors. Therefore, we encourage you to bring a friend or a partner of the opposite gender so that you can journey through this ceremony. That said, it is completely possible to participate in this ceremony without bringing a partner/friend.

🦋 Date
8 – 10 November 2024

🦋 Price
NOK 3600 pr. Person registering individually
NOK 4500 for 2 people of opposite gender who register together

This price includes overnight lodging at Evje, teachings, administration fee and material cost.

To register and request more information, please send an email to rlwlodge@gmail.com. Registration closes on October 25.